6. Roadmap
The road map will continually change as we fulfil and expand our vision. In order to receive regular updates and news, join our Discord community.
Q4 2021:
Q1 2022:
V.beta Start
N21 Pre-sale
Team Growth
Social Media Launch
Q2 2022:
Launch V1.
Commercial Launch Spain
Building community knowledge and awareness.
Q3 2022:
Nash 21 DAO-Foundation launch.
Strategic partnership campaign.
V1.2 Integration Exchange.
Q4 2022:
SMP (Self-management system for Property and Ambassadors)
Q1 2023:
V2.2 Guarantee for Tenants + Collaterisable Nfts.
Start geographical expansion: Mexico and Argentina.
Launch of agreement with Finaer for Argentina.
Q2 2023:
V3. Group Auctions of NFTs.
Interoperability of NFTs.
V 3.1 Secondary market for the re-guarantee of third party contracts.
Geographical expansion: Rest of Latam
Launch IDO N21.
Q3 2023:
Nash21 NFT
Metaverse Continue geographical expansion
Q4 2023: We will see....
Last updated